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Transfer Day!

Our first family pic! Is baby Z cute or what?!?

My transfer is done!!!! Our sweet little embryo is *fingers crossed* getting nice and cozy and settled in.

Our embryologist said our embryo is BEAUTIFUL. Baby Z survived the ice age like a pro and started hatching right away! (Which is EXACTLY what you want it to do!!!! Good little rule follower like their mama. )

In the infertility community, we call these next 10 days “PUPO”, or “Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise”. Why? Well… scientifically speaking, I am pregnant right now. I just need my body to accept our embryo and our embaby to burrow into my uterus (that’s why “twinges” and slight cramping can be one of the first signs of successful implantation- bc your embryo is legitimately burrowing into your uterine wall!)

We feel really hopeful, really peaceful, and so excited. Science is an incredible gift. The first IVF baby was born in 1978! Y’all!!!! That’s only 43 years ago! The thought that we wouldn’t even be as far as we are now if it was 1977 is insane! We are so grateful.

Please continue praying, hoping, and wishing BIG with us! We need some major Stage 5 clinger vibes sent our way. We are one GIANT step closer to holding sweet baby Z.

Now it’s bed rest for me, so Bradford gets to wait on me hand and foot. In other words, just a normal day over here, but this time I have the best excuse ever ha.



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I'm Courtney, and this is my fertility journey to baby Z. We're 16 months in, and will be beginning IUI in March 2021. Writing has always been therapeutic to me, and after sharing my story on FB it was suggested for me to begin a blog. It's my hope that this blog can help you through your infertility journey, or help you help someone you love through theirs. Thanks for being here. 

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