30 Weeks & Mothers Day!
30 weeks! Time is flying.
Grace is cute as can be with cheeks for days and we’re so in love. She is growing well and both her and I are healthy. She likes to stay in a little ball with her hands and feet up by her face— until she wants to stretch out riiight into my ribs.
I’m getting more and more uncomfortable. The swelling and pregnancy brain are real. Ha. Fatigue has returned. But all good and normal symptoms that I’m thankful for.
Regular ultrasound pics with my OB are just not as fancy/ detailed as the ones from the machines my specialist had, but we’re grateful to be “normal and healthy” with regular quality Sono pics.
This time last year we were awaiting the results of my last IUI. I remember when we got the negative result I wondered if I’d ever get to experience pregnancy… now here we are… just 66 days to go! Bradford and I can’t believe it and are so thankful.
Just a couple weeks ago my mom came into town to spend Mother's Day with me. We went to see Mean Girls in the theatre and had a great visit! We also started decorating the nursery, which was so fun!