Infertility Facts
Infertility Facts:
- 1 in 8 couples will experience infertility, although some statistics show that is more likely to be 1 in 7 now.
- 35% of couples experiencing infertility have male infertility factors, 35% have female infertility factors, 20% have combined male and female, and 10% are unexplained causes.
- By 22 weeks gestation, a baby girl’s ovaries are completely formed and full of the eggs she will have her entire life (women do not produce more eggs in their lifetime, so their “ovarian reserve” is determined at 22 weeks! )
- The average cost of a IUI in the United States is $1,000. This cost is for monitoring and the insemination itself, but NOT any medications necessary.
- The average cost of one IVF cycle is $12,000-$20,000. This includes monitoring, egg retrieval, lab fees (no testing), and the embryo transfer. This does NOT include medications.
- Oral medications commonly used with IUIs can cost $30-75 per cycle
- Injectable medications more commonly used with IVF (but also can be used with more aggressive IUI protocols like I had) are $2,000-$6,000 per cycle depending on the dosage and types required.
- Genetic testing done after embryos are formed costs an average of $2,500- $6,000 and can vary by number of embryos tested.
- Women have about a 10-20% chance of getting pregnant with each IUI cycle.
- Women have about a 20-35% chance of getting pregnant with each IVF cycle (untested embryos).
- Having PGT (preimplantation genetic testing) done can lower your risk of miscarriage.
- Most insurance plans do not cover infertility treatments.
- Secondary infertility (infertility after conceiving one or more children naturally) makes up about 50% of all cases of infertility.
- Sadly, 10-15% of couples will never get pregnant, even after seeking reproductive assistance.
