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Second Trimester!

Baby girl is 13 weeks today, which means we’ve officially made it to the second trimester!!

It’s a busy week! Our little lemon sized girl now has her eyes (though they’re sealed shut to protect her), is growing her vocal chords and bones (she could start sucking her thumb soon if that’s her thing), and her intestines are moving from her umbilical cord to her little body!

I’m feeling pretty good overall. How I feel changes daily, and I’m realizing that’s just called pregnancy.

We’re just taking things one day at a time, and I’m grateful for every single one of them.



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I'm Courtney, and this is my fertility journey to baby Z. We're 16 months in, and will be beginning IUI in March 2021. Writing has always been therapeutic to me, and after sharing my story on FB it was suggested for me to begin a blog. It's my hope that this blog can help you through your infertility journey, or help you help someone you love through theirs. Thanks for being here. 

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