Last week I started injections for my second IVF egg retrieval. In 3 months, we filled one of these needle containers to the top… That’s from just 3 IUIs and 1 previous IVF egg retrieval. Today I picked it up and was shocked at how heavy it was so, naturally , I weighed it. Half a pound of needles. (Yes, that’s after I did the fancy math to account for the weight of the container ). My jaw dropped. I have had half a pound of needles go into me in a 3-month span all in hopes that we will have a CHANCE at having a biological child. And that’s just injections- that doesn’t count pills, supplements, and such.
The entire reason I started blogging and publicly sharing this journey has always been to educate, inform, and spread awareness. My goal is to share the sides, parts, thoughts, and conversations of this journey that are so often whispered in private and never spoken of outside of couples’ inner circle of support. I don’t share this picture for sympathy, but rather perspective. That’s the equivalent of 2 sticks of butter in NEEDLE weight. THIS is the stuff we don’t ever think about. THIS is the stuff that 7 out of 8 couples will have the luxury of NEVER knowing. THIS is my reality. THIS is one of the many layers of infertility.
Now should I be one of those people that save all these for a pic with baby Z in the future?
PS: 6 follicles are growing strong and 2 might catch up to em’. I’m on track for a Thursday egg retrieval. Thanks for all your love and prayers!