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Our First Sonogram

Baby Z is doing great and measuring one day ahead of my due date, July 23rd!

We got to see its heart fluttering (beating)! We won’t be able to hear it until week 8 (I’m currently 6 weeks 4 days). Baby looks like a little alien. Super tiny with a tail and big head ha. It’s so crazy we all start like this!

We had a scare last week when I experienced some bleeding. While that can be perfectly normal (about 20% of women experience bleeding in pregnancy and this is more common amongst frozen embryo transfers), movies and TV have made it out to only mean the absolute worst. Of course, all this happened on a holiday weekend when the clinic was closed. I had blood work done last Sunday which showed that everything was good (number wise) and was told we’d confirm at the ultrasound. Today my ultrasound showed that I have a small blood clot behind my uterus, which can be quite common and normal. My doctor said to expect some more bleeding from it, but it will likely “take care of itself”.

I get to come off one of my hormones. Injections will continue for about 3 more weeks before we test to make sure my body (the placenta specifically) is producing enough progesterone without the supplemental injections. Sensation in my legs has pretty much returned. I just have some strange “patches” that itch and are numb. I’m very hopeful that will all return to normal after the injections are all done.

I’m not feeling well, and anti-nausea prescriptions have been a game changer. I know it will all be worth it, and I’m hopeful I’ll feel better in the coming weeks + “graduate” to my OB so I can feel a little more relief and enjoy this time I’ve dreamt of, prayed for, and fought for for so long.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our sweet baby Z! We are so thankful.



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I'm Courtney, and this is my fertility journey to baby Z. We're 16 months in, and will be beginning IUI in March 2021. Writing has always been therapeutic to me, and after sharing my story on FB it was suggested for me to begin a blog. It's my hope that this blog can help you through your infertility journey, or help you help someone you love through theirs. Thanks for being here. 

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