Infertility Facts
It’s officially National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW). As y’all know, tomorrow is my second IUI. I’m not sure I can think of a better week to *fingers crossed* give the middle finger to infertility once and for all. 🎉
I’ll be sharing some facts and things about my journey throughout the week. 😊
Let’s start with some facts about infertility...
🧡 Infertility affects one out of every eight couples
🧡 Just bc you’ve given birth doesn’t mean it won’t affect you later. Secondary infertility affects 1 in 8 couples who have given birth.
🧡 Each month >>>healthy couples<<< have only a 20% chance of conceiving 🤯
🧡 Insurance companies in •ONLY 15 STATES• offer any type of coverage for this medical condition
🧡 Female infertility factor makes up roughly 1/3 of infertility cases. Male infertility factor another 1/3 and 1/3 of cases are “unexplained” or a “combination”
🧡 For women under 35, it’s recommended you talk to your doctor if you’ve been trying to conceive for 12 months. Women over 35, just 6 months. However- you know your body best. I didn’t wait the full 12 months, and I’m so glad I went when I did. It’s a common misconception that you “can’t” see a doctor until you reach that 6/12 month marker, but it’s simply not true. If your doctor won’t listen to you, find a new doctor.
🧡 The “color” for infertility awareness is orange, and this Wednesday, April 21st is National “WEAR ORANGE” day to promote infertility awareness and support those going through it. I hope you’ll join me and sport your orange! 😘
I realize much of what I’ve been sharing lately is related to infertility and my journey, and I understand that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s been extremely comforting and therapeutic to share with you all, and I hope you continue to follow our journey! 🧡