Good News!
Feels good just typing that! It's been a rollercoaster, and we're really happy for this win! Today I saw my doctor to see how things were progressing and things look great. Once again, my uterus was complimented (haha). This time she told me "Wow, Courtney! Your uterine lining is gorgeous!" *cue my Alexis moment*
I'm quite proud of my body and certainly thanking it for *finally* doing something well- haha! As far as my follicles go, 2 of the 3 are growing. 1 is growing faster than the other, so we aren't sure if both or just one will be ready when I take my trigger shot. Right now they are measuring 2-4mm away from where we want them to be for the IUI (but they are right on track to reach full growth).
What does all this mean???
I'm continuing my injections daily
I'll go back Saturday for another sonogram to make sure the follicles are at full maturity and ready to go!
I'll take my trigger shot (which triggers ovulation) Saturday night or Sunday morning (TBD)
I'll likely have my IUI on Monday, April 19th (of course, this could change based on my upcoming appointment).
Specific Prayer Requests...
That both of these follicles reach full growth for more chances of fertilization
That my uterus stays ultra cushy and is the perfect environment for implantation
Hope & peace for Bradford and I as we inch closer and closer to our TWW (two week wait- the time between IUI and knowing the results)
For the first time this entire cycle, I smiled at the doctor's office. I feel really good today. Truthfully, I believe it is a mixture of my hormones beginning to level out, getting some good news, and also all of your prayers. Regardless, today was a good day, and I'm holding onto that.
My doctor said she was "excited and hopeful" with my progress and how things were measuring/ responding. Fertility doctors are very matter of fact (with bedside manner, of course) so hearing such optimism in her voice filled me with such hope and happiness.
My body is responding better to this cocktail, and I'm thankful for that and my doctor's wisdom to make the changes. Here's hoping one or both of these follicles growing inside of me right now is our sweet baby Z!